About us

The company's Masterdock floating dock system offers a new perspective in Hungary instead of the usual wooden and iron structured dock type. Thanks to the easy installation and modularity of the float, it becomes possible in many new areas to conquer the shores.

Our innovative solution eliminates wooden and steel structures that require frequent maintenance, and instead uses plastic elements that are easy to assemble and require less maintenance. They are hollow inside, completely closed, so they float easily on the water. They are durable, safe, hygienic and widely used. Masterdock floats, manufactured by the Polish plastic company Elplast+, comply with the General Product Safety Regulation 2001/95/EC of the European Union.

Examples of use:

  • Fishing piers and fish breeding pools
  • Bathing pier
  • Open water swimming pools
  • Kayak-canoe and boarding piers
  • Small boat ports
  • Industrial floating platforms

The modular float system has been developed in such a way that it can be assembled in any shape, always in accordance with your current needs. Think about what kind of floating dock you would need. For example: T, L, F-shaped, or maybe for a heavy-duty floating platform?



Dream up your own floating dock!



AssemblyUU shape/layout/arrangement
AssemblyFF shape/layout/arrangement



AssemblyTT shape/layout/arrangement
Assembly8Block shape/layout/arrangement


Modularity also means that it can be assigned afterwards to the existing pier.

Modularity also provides us the possibility to remove the dock before the winter, if local regulations requires. To disassemble into units it's a simple, quick method and without any particular expenses. In the case of pillar-fixed piers, costs may occur during the disassembly process.

With the existing elements (NL and WL), you can shape your dock as desired, keeping in consideration the rules regarding the type of water surface and load capacity of the structure. You can ask for help with the design of the pier, we are happy to prepare a layout drawing if necessary.

The system has the Type Certificate of the NATIONAL TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY (NKH). The type certificate is valid only in Hungary.

More about our products:
