Poroszló Fűzfa fishing boat port 2023-2024

Poroszló is one of the most popular parts of Lake Tisza with its unique services and opportunities, as it is home to the water promenade - a 1.500-metre-long walkway built on piles above the water, which allows you to explore Lake Tisza and explore wild places that are inaccessible on foot or even by motorboat, the Ecocentre - whose most popular attraction is the largest freshwater aquarium system in Central Europe but also includes a 3D cinema, playroom and viewing platform, the beach where you can now find Masterdock floating pier whether it is for bathing or sunbathing and the Fűzfa Marina and Recreation Park where you can safely recharge your batteries on guided water tours from several Masterdock piers.

The port adventure started last year in 2023 and continued in 2024 thanks to positive ownership experience. Typically, we replaced the old and out-of-date metal-framed piers with wooden walking surfaces. In the first round, a straight small boat harbor was created and this year a larger undertaking, a multi-position comb-shaped jetty was added to the site.

Let's see in pictures what it's all about.


Existing steel-framed piers: